Please Read!!

Majority of any images posted on here will be MINE! As in, original stuff, made/taken/yadda yadda by ME. I would like you to respect that and not claim it as other then mine, from me. Any images other then mine will be noted as so, unless, most likely, as a post of what I like/want, I most likely won't list that. i.e. band photos (if I took any pics of band, i will note that, otherwise assume it's from the internet), wishlist-y stuff (anything i want) Or just things I find worth sharing. If you're not sure if an image is mine or not, feel free to ask, I will tell you truthfully. Just a note, this is basically a copyright of all my images. (Also, there will be images of me posted around, there's a chance they were taken by other people then me. If you're unsure and would like to know, again, just ask.)

Lost In Wonderland

Lost In Wonderland
I'll sit here waiting, dreaming of you. (Photo taken by A friend of mine, Brian Ellis. That's my mirage.)

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Hello Again.

Ahh. It seems as if I have not been on in awhile. I've gone M.I.A.
I'm not sure anyone's noticed. Or if anyone cares. I have so much I could write, but for now I leave you all with a little piece of me, if to ease any troubled minds that are reading this right now.

I never want to be the hero, that changes everything to hate.
I want to be the inspiration, for those on the brink of too late.

Lots of love to everyone, but especially those with hurting hearts. <3 
There is light out there, even in darkness. I know. I've been there, and I'm sure to go again. But understand this, even the simplest beauty out there can create the curve of the smallest smirk knowing that you beheld it.