Please Read!!

Majority of any images posted on here will be MINE! As in, original stuff, made/taken/yadda yadda by ME. I would like you to respect that and not claim it as other then mine, from me. Any images other then mine will be noted as so, unless, most likely, as a post of what I like/want, I most likely won't list that. i.e. band photos (if I took any pics of band, i will note that, otherwise assume it's from the internet), wishlist-y stuff (anything i want) Or just things I find worth sharing. If you're not sure if an image is mine or not, feel free to ask, I will tell you truthfully. Just a note, this is basically a copyright of all my images. (Also, there will be images of me posted around, there's a chance they were taken by other people then me. If you're unsure and would like to know, again, just ask.)

Lost In Wonderland

Lost In Wonderland
I'll sit here waiting, dreaming of you. (Photo taken by A friend of mine, Brian Ellis. That's my mirage.)

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

My Path Through Life.

I'm pretty sure i derailed a loooonnggggg, looonnnggggg time ago and have since been creating my own path, while taking periodic breaks to sit and not move an inch. When I do get up, i'm pretty sure i start burning the path i just made. Nothing like leaving a trail of fire. For real.

Sorry for the disappearance. 
Been trying to get my feet settled.

I've been in a balance between chaos and restlessness. 
Whichever wins is sure to destroy a part of me.

On the other hand, I think I might try to make time to do some paintings or small drawings to sell.
I wonder if it's a good idea?
Maybe I'll try with a few flower paintings and see how that goes?
Is that something people would even buy?

I dunno yet. I may need to seek outside opinions.

I've also fully realized the extent of many of my ideas and projects that 
I started or generally sketched out are unfinished.
I should probably work on that.
Above drawing done by me. Pen and ink.
Until next time.
Take care.
And please,
Continue to support me.

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