Please Read!!

Majority of any images posted on here will be MINE! As in, original stuff, made/taken/yadda yadda by ME. I would like you to respect that and not claim it as other then mine, from me. Any images other then mine will be noted as so, unless, most likely, as a post of what I like/want, I most likely won't list that. i.e. band photos (if I took any pics of band, i will note that, otherwise assume it's from the internet), wishlist-y stuff (anything i want) Or just things I find worth sharing. If you're not sure if an image is mine or not, feel free to ask, I will tell you truthfully. Just a note, this is basically a copyright of all my images. (Also, there will be images of me posted around, there's a chance they were taken by other people then me. If you're unsure and would like to know, again, just ask.)

Lost In Wonderland

Lost In Wonderland
I'll sit here waiting, dreaming of you. (Photo taken by A friend of mine, Brian Ellis. That's my mirage.)

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Swinging High On Broken Swings

You know, I'm gonna be honest here. 

I get discouraged too.

As an artist I want to do the best I can to make the best I can.
I look all around me and everywhere for inspiration.
I find so much beauty and art in some other pieces.
How come I can't fully do that?

How come?

Am I not good enough?

I am. But I'm still a beginner. I've only had one official art class that taught me techniques and how to actually draw. And considering the amount of progress I've made from that class, and the amount of progress I've made on my own I should considerably proud. I am considerably proud of myself. I just have to wonder, if I'll ever be good enough that someone will follow ME as an artist, someone who will share my works and say things like: "Beautiful!" "Great!" "Stunning!" "I love this!," someone who will be inspired by me as a reason to pursue something, or do something, or make a change for the better. I want to reach my hand out to as many people possible, even if I never get to see them. But it just goes to show, I have a lot to learn, and that this road doesn't end quickly. It continues to go, and I continue to walk idly, and take in my surrounds from time to time for a breath or fresh air. Just because I get a little discouraged by others talents, doesn't mean I'm ready to quit. It just means I need to practice more, to learn more, and to experience more as well as keep these hands busy and this mind running. I'm ready to settle in for the night, but hopefully this means some more progress will ensue soon.

 I guess til then, I'll just rest along on this broken swing, humming songs as the wind blows. 
Stay hopeful.

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