Please Read!!

Majority of any images posted on here will be MINE! As in, original stuff, made/taken/yadda yadda by ME. I would like you to respect that and not claim it as other then mine, from me. Any images other then mine will be noted as so, unless, most likely, as a post of what I like/want, I most likely won't list that. i.e. band photos (if I took any pics of band, i will note that, otherwise assume it's from the internet), wishlist-y stuff (anything i want) Or just things I find worth sharing. If you're not sure if an image is mine or not, feel free to ask, I will tell you truthfully. Just a note, this is basically a copyright of all my images. (Also, there will be images of me posted around, there's a chance they were taken by other people then me. If you're unsure and would like to know, again, just ask.)

Lost In Wonderland

Lost In Wonderland
I'll sit here waiting, dreaming of you. (Photo taken by A friend of mine, Brian Ellis. That's my mirage.)

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Forever My Father

I haven't posted in a while, and what can I say? I've been lacking in the story to share, and the ambition I try to drive. But here's a little piece for all of you that I'm going to share. A song I can't listen to without tears coming to my eyes. This song is for my father, who adopted me and my brother when he married our mom. A man who raised me as his very own child, when mine wouldn't. He is an amazing man, who's taken care of my family very well (I went from a girl who only had a brother to an oldest child of seven, in what seems so short a time). He's done so much for me and every time I hear this song I can't help but fear the day when his time will come. And I hope it's not any time soon. So, for all of you who read this, I hope you are filled with caring, loving memories of, if not a father, someone who carefully and dearly cared for you, and means the world -even if they are no longer here. In a way, this post is in response to A Letter I Will Never Send. This post is to the man who made his way into my life, instead of made his way out of it.

Go Radio -Forever My Father

I hope all is well in your side of life. Mine is coasting, but I need to pick things up to a bit faster pace.
'Tis not the greatest photo, but it is the beauty I beheld one very early morning. I really shouldn't always sleep in, to think I miss out on this everyday, but, alas, I may be too much of a night owl.

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